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Sport Activities

Roller Blades

Roller blades is one of our sports activity that promotes different life skills like balance and endurance. It also help build their self-esteem and patience making them more physically fit and active. Our Roller blades teacher is well trained and has been teaching in the kindergarten level for many years.

Chinese Kung Fu

Is another form of body exercise like stretching, running and jumping which also teaches discipline , cooperation and obedience. Our special Kung Fu teacher are professional Martial arts teacher who has years of experience in teaching the kindergarteb level.


Is a basic kind of sports activity that fosters different kind of games which also promotes cooperation and self-esteem of the children. This activity is managed by the classroom teachers and is held inside a gymnastics room.

Baby Yoga
Is the newest addition to our different set of  sports activities. A professional Yoga teacher is hired for this activity. Baby yoga helps in promoting concentration, memory and boost digestion among others. It greatly influences the emotional and behavioral aspect of the children and it has a positive effect on the mental state and aids creativity.
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